GSI provides consulting services in the field of Health development, education and youth employment as well as humanitarian and refugee response. Broadly, GSI works to improve the availability and accessibility of health services and quality management in the areas of HIV/AIDS, Malaria, tuberculosis, maternal and child health, health systems strengthening and capacity building; health services planning and financing; leadership and change management; reproductive health and family planning programs. Health governance concerns the interactions among the citizens, health service providers and government.
When these interactions function well, they lead to outcomes that improve access and utilization of health services. A variety of problems that confront health systems especially in African countries relate to governance. Some of these problems include; corruption in financial management practices; lack of capacity of civil society and elected officials to hold health sector actors accountable and failures of central and local governments to engage stakeholders in health decision-making and priority setting.
designs and implements intervention that improves the policy process,
strengthens accountability, transparency, and reduces corruption and increase
citizen participation in the health sector. GSI supports interventions that
involve the community in decisions about health activities through joint
planning, implementation and monitoring of health services with community
structures. GSI also provides training and technical assistance to local and
national governments in integrating health sector investment plans into their
development strategies and budgets and to manage funds in accordance with
country health priorities as well as adhering to general accounting principles
and complying with financial reporting requirements.
In the education sector, GSI provides technical advice in education institutional strengthening, development of education strategies at sub national and national levels, extension work on education for all, education systems and curriculum development, development and conducting of trainings, technical vocational training & training (TVET), employment strategies and labour market development. GSI also conducts Tracer studies which are a useful tool to obtain information on the labour market absorption of graduates, their earnings and career path. GSI conducts tracer studies that help higher education institutions to improve the education and training content and study conditions, improving the transition of graduates from education to the labour market, and to better matching the supply with the demand for them.
also designs and implements intervention that improves the policy process,
strengthens accountability, transparency, and reduces corruption and increase
citizen participation in the education sector. GSI also provides training and
technical assistance to local and national governments in integrating education
sector investment plans into their development strategies and budgets and to
manage funds in accordance with country education priorities as well as
adhering to general accounting principles and complying with financial
reporting requirements
In, the social development sector, GSI provides consulting services in the areas of culture, gender mainstreaming; gender-based violence; Social protection; Livelihoods; strategic planning; Community empowerment, Care and support for vulnerable children; adolescents and youth development, conflict resolution, humanitarian and refugee response. Around the world, conflict is exacting a massive toll on people’s lives. Trapped in wars that are not of their making, millions of civilians are forced to hide or run for their lives. Children are taken out of school, families are displaced from their homes, and communities are torn apart, while the world is not doing enough to stop their suffering.
At the same time, health and aid
workers – who risk their lives to care for people affected by violence – are increasingly
being targeted. GSI and its humanitarian partners are working to raise our
voices to advocate for those most vulnerable in war zones, and demand that
world leaders do everything their power to protect civilians in conflict. GSI
also designs and implements intervention that improves the policy process,
strengthens accountability, transparency, and reduces corruption and increase
citizen participation in the social development sector. GSI provides training
and technical assistance to local and national governments in integrating
crosscutting issues into their development strategies and budgets and to manage
funds in accordance with country social development priorities as well as
adhering to general accounting principles and complying with financial
reporting requirement. GSI working with its international
partners provide expertise in integrating refugee interventions activities in
national and decentralized planning and budgeting as well as conducting project
evaluations and policy advocacy for refugees.