
GSI provides consulting services for designing and implementing of institutional and accompanying measures required in the planning, design and implementation of water and sanitation infrastructure projects aimed at ensuring sustainability.

The accompanying measures implemented by GSI includes but not limited to the following: Feasibility studies, Socio-economic studies, Sector studies, Baseline studies and needs assessment, Water and sanitation marketing, Hygiene awareness campaigns through information, education, communication (IEC), Supporting introduction of affordable sanitation technologies, creation and training of water user committees, capacity development and training, environmental and social impact assessment studies, carry out topographical and geotechnical surveys, undertaking Resettlement Action Plans (RAPs) for water supply and related physical measures, Tariff studies and calculation of water tariffs.

GSI also strengthens community planning, mobilization and management in small town water supply systems including conducting technical assessments/value for money audits for water and sanitation projects and programs.  GSI is a member of the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (
www.susana.org) which is an open international alliance with members who share a common vision on sustainable sanitation and are dedicated to understanding viable and sustainable solutions. It links on the ground experience with an engaged community made up of practitioners, policy makers, researchers and academics from different levels 

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