GSI partnered with Intermedia Development Consultants (iDC) based in Nairobi Kenya in the evaluation of DGF civic education programme. The DGF was an ongoing facility established by eight of Uganda's international development partners (Austria, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, the UK and the European Union), in order to promote democracy and human rights, enhance access to justice, and improve accountability in Uganda.
GSI was responsible for providing governance
and program management consultancy services during the evaluation of DGF’s
civic education programme. Specific activities executed by GSI on this
consultancy assignment included: Providing contextual content on democracy,
governance, voice and accountability in Uganda; Supported the development of
tools; Field work (interviews, Focused Group Discussions (FGDs), Most
Significant Change (MSC), field observations) and supporting the drafting of
reports and presentations for the Client.